The Effect of a Transformation Group on the Quality Indicator of a Linear Regression Model

УДК 514.172; 519.654

  • I.V. Ponomarev Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: linear regression, ordinary least squares, transformation group, convex analysis


The construction of functional dependencies between the observed phenomena is an important area of modern applied mathematics. The basis of such constructions is often a statistical data array. The adequacy of the models obtained directly depends on the quality of these data. In general, one has to choose one of the possible models, based on a certain indicator. However, the resulting samples may be in some sense identical, but the models constructed will be different.

This paper discusses one of the methods for constructing linear regression — the method of least squares. The problem of changing the quality functional of a regression model under the orthogonal transformation of the initial data set is studied. A geometric interpretation of the regression model itself and its functional quality, as well as the statistical indicator of the relationship between variables — the correlation coefficient, is given. Formulas are shown explicitly showing the relationship between the functionals of quality during rotation of a set relative to one of the axes of coordinates in two- and threedimensional spaces. Based on the formulas obtained, an algorithm is presented that allows one to obtain the value of the quality functional with any proper movement of n-dimensional space.


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Author Biography

I.V. Ponomarev, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент кафедры математического анализа


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How to Cite
Ponomarev I. The Effect of a Transformation Group on the Quality Indicator of a Linear Regression Model // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 4(108). P. 100-103 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)4-16. URL:
Математика и механика