The Problem of Estimating the Period of the 1830s in the History of the Formation of Russian National Identity

  • M.A. Shirokova Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: national identity, reflection, Russian culture, Russian philosophy, history of political thought


The article examines the epoch of the 1830s, which the author considers the most important in the formation of Russian philosophy, science and political thought as a theoretical formulation of national identity. In addition, it was at this time that Russian culture acquired world significance. Thus, a correct understanding of the general course of cultural and historical development in the 1830s is a kind of key to the history of the Russian idea and to the history of Russia as a whole.

The article reveals chronological boundaries of the period, which go beyond the immediate decade of the 1830s. The author joins the researchers who call 1825 the starting point of the epoch, the year of the Decembrist uprising, and the final border — 1841-1842, the time of a clear split of Russian culture into Slavophilism and Westernism.

Contradictory assessments of the 1830s are cited from the point of view of Russian thinkers of the past and the present. In the Russian and Soviet historiography, the characteristic of the 1830s as a period of decline in public activity was prevailing because of conditions of increasing state authoritarianism. In relation to the considered chronological segment, the article analyzes the problem of the correlation between the cultural-historical, civilizational, political subjectness of society and the state.


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Author Biography

M.A. Shirokova, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

доктор философских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры политологии


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How to Cite
Shirokova M. The Problem of Estimating the Period of the 1830s in the History of the Formation of Russian National Identity // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 5(103). P. 90-94 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)5-15. URL:
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