Development of Radio Broadcasting in the Penza Region in the Late 1940s — Early 1950s.

УДК 01(470.40) «1940/1950» ББК 76.031+63.3(235)6

  • I.N. Simonova Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Penza, Russia) Email:
Keywords: the USSR, radio broadcasting, the Penza region


The paper considers the development of broadcasting in the Penza region in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Emphasizes that this period is characterized by active and widespread broadcasting across the country and on the territory of the studied region. Radio infection affected not only regional settlements and working centers of the region, but also remote collective farms. The leader in the development of local radio broadcasting was Kameshkir district, which had its own Studio. It is noted that the radio broadcasting of the Penza region was under strict control of the party and Soviet bodies. For each program, a mandatory verification procedure was introduced, and thematic plans of programs were sent to the places. The quality of local programs directly depended on the level of professional training of editorial staff. The most interesting and operative in content were the programs of the Penza, Kuznetsk and Kamenskaya editions, which actively attracted local party, Komsomol and Soviet workers, leading figures in industry and agriculture, propagandists and agitators to the speeches.

Radio broadcasting in the Penza region in the 1940s and early 1950s was actively developed and had a strong propaganda orientation, which was reflected in the subject matter and the quantitative ratio of radio broadcasts.


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Author Biography

I.N. Simonova, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Penza, Russia)



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How to Cite
Simonova I. Development of Radio Broadcasting in the Penza Region in the Late 1940s — Early 1950s. // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2020, № 2(112). P. 67-70 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2020)2-11. URL:
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