Anglo-Spanish Confrontation in the Nootka Sound in 1790

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  • A.A. Kunitsyn Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Great Britain, Spain, the initial stage of the French revolution of 1789, Nootka Sound, colonialism, international relations


The article discusses an insufficiently studied episode in Russian historiography in Anglo-Spanish relations: the territorial issue in 1790 between London and Madrid in the Nootka Sound that located on Vancouver Island off the West coast of Canada. Rapidly developing events around the Nootka Sound and the intransigence of the two powers set the country on the brink of a full-fledged war. The allies of the countries — Holland and France were also involved in this confrontation. However, France, weakened by the revolution, was unable to fulfill its allied obligations. In addition, the Anglo-Spanish conflict intensified the internal conflict in Paris. All this resulted the Spanish court being forced to give up any claim to the Sound. In the Convention concluded in 1794 England and Spain mutually renounced their sovereign rights to the Sound, there by declared it free for access by the subjects of both powers. Thus, the Nootka Convention marked the abandonment of the principles of possession of territory by right of discovery, which subsequently led to a change in the nature of the colonial policy of the world powers, and to their fierce confrontation in the colonies in the second half of the 19th century.


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Author Biography

A.A. Kunitsyn, Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia)

аспирант кафедры новой и новейшей истории Института истории и политики Московского педагогического государственного университета


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How to Cite
Kunitsyn A. Anglo-Spanish Confrontation in the Nootka Sound in 1790 // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 5(109). P. 64-68 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)5-10. URL:
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