The Defeat of Marc Macrinius Vindex. To the History of the Marcomannic Wars in the Middle Danube

УДК 94(38).09 ББК 63.3(0)323

  • S.M. Rubtsov Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Marcomanni, Quadi, Upper Pannonia, Roman legions, praefectus praetorium, Emperor Marcus Aurelius


The article is devoted to the military action of the Roman Empire in the Middle-Danube valley in the early spring 170 year 2-nd centuries A.D. The main aim of this article consists in reconstruction one of the important events in Roman wars against the Germans tribe marcomanni, who lived on the territory of modern-day Czechia (ancient Boygemia). The author uses the analytical and comparative methods, analyzing the historical works of Roman authors and epigraphic facts. One of the main new aspects of article consists in chronology of events. The author tries to prove that defeat of Roman army and death of praefectus Marc Macrinius Vindex took place at the same time in early spring 170 year 2-nd centuries A.D.. This defeat had the important influence on the other military operations in the next time. Marcomanni and his allies seriously threatened the Roman province of Pannonia situated on the right bank of the Danube. The emperor Marcus Aurelius (161 — 180 A.D) waged several wars against the marcomanni and their allies quadi in 167 — 180 A.D. In winter 169 A.D. Marcus Aurelius became the sole emperor. He came back in Carnuntum in Upper Pannonia and began to complete the army for the offensive against marcomanni. The legatus Augusti Marc Macrinius Avitus Catonius Vindex with vexillationes of five Pannonia's legions and a few auxiliums forced a crossing the Danube in the early spring 170 A.D. Marcomanni defeated the Roman army and killed the legatus Augusti. The Germans captivated many soldiers from legions and auxiliums, burned several war-camps in Upper and Lower Pannonias. They reached the borders of the North Italy and besieged the Aquileja again. The author comes to the conclusion, that in result of the defeat of Marc Macrinius Vindex the Roman troops in the Middle and Lower Danube stood on the defensive.


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Author Biography

S.M. Rubtsov, Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры всеобщей истории


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How to Cite
Rubtsov S. The Defeat of Marc Macrinius Vindex. To the History of the Marcomannic Wars in the Middle Danube // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2021, № 2(118). P. 60-65 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)2-09. URL:
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