The Image of Belgium as a “Victim” in British Propaganda of the First World War Period

  • P.V. Ulyanov Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: the image of Belgium, propaganda, the, propaganda in the UK, the First World War


The article deals with the development of the image of Belgium as a “victim of German aggression” during the First World War. This image was one of the means of influencing the British consciousness and urging them to join the armed forces of the United Kingdom in order to fight Germany as an “external threat”. To justify their own actions on the forced use of armed force and to prevent aggression caused by the intervention of the German troops in Belgium, the British periodical published a story about “its rape”. In modern historical science, especially British, this issue is widely studied. However, historians in his study did not take into account the comprehensive nature of this campaign story. Therefore, the author aims to consider the plot of the "rape of Belgium" in the context of the development of the "victim image" in the British propaganda of the First World War. The main task is to identify the features of its influence on the process of forming a holistic image of Germany as an “external enemy”. The study conducted allows us to conclude that the image of Belgium formed as a “victim of German aggression” in propaganda formed during the military conflict was comprehensive. As a result, the established holistic storyline about “its rape” became one of the main propaganda stories during the First World War.


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Author Biography

P.V. Ulyanov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

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How to Cite
Ulyanov P. The Image of Belgium as a “Victim” in British Propaganda of the First World War Period // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 2(106). P. 75-79 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)2-13. URL:
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