Reproduction of Tomsk Province Population (1914-1926)

  • S.V. Kosygina Novosibirsk High Military Command School (Novosibirsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: population reproduction, Tomsk province, age composition, birthrate, deathrate, natural increase


Demographic processes taking place in Russia have a negative character. Low birth rate and high mortality cause depopulation. The society needs to understand how the demographic development was going on during the period of convulsions in order to avoid the mistakes of the past. The chronological framework of the work covers the years 1914-1926. The lower limit is explained by the beginning of the First World War, and the subsequent changes in the reproduction, the upper limit is determined by the All-Union Population Census of 1926. The purpose of the work is the determination of the main trends in the dynamics of changes in relative indicators of population movement. The tasks of the work are to determine the annual difference between the number of deaths and births, to follow and to characterize the changes in the sexual structure.

For the first time the study presents unpublished archival materials and sources. The use of social statistics methods, the method of averages, made it possible to systematize and summarize the main indicators of the quantitative characteristics of changes in population reproduction. The method of calculating the main demographic indicators, the calculation of the total reproduction rates, were used throughout the work.

During this period there were significant changes in the reproduction of the population. Abnormal oscillations of size were the main trend of the natural movement. There was a change in the sex ratio. The change in the territorial and administrative boundaries of the province in 1921 contributed to a decrease in the population.


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Author Biography

S.V. Kosygina, Novosibirsk High Military Command School (Novosibirsk, Russia)

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How to Cite
Kosygina S. Reproduction of Tomsk Province Population (1914-1926) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 2(106). P. 63-67 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)2-11. URL:
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