Church and Secular Authoritiess Relationship in Siberia of the 17th Century in the Works of N.N. Ogloblin

  • I.A. Silayeva Scientific and Production Enterprise «Sibgeokarta» (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: N.N. Ogloblin, Siberia, 17th century, church, Archbishop Simeon of Tobolsk, vaevode, authority, documents, spiritual court


The famous Russian historian and archivist of the late 19th — early 20th centuries. N.N. Ogloblin on a number of documents from the archive of the Siberian Order in the article "The Case of the Tobolsk Archbishop Simeon's Unauthorized Arrival in Moscow, in 1661" and the third part of the fundamental "Review of the columns and books of the Siberian Order (1592-1768)" analyzed the circumstances of numerous conflicts between several representatives of the voivodship and pontifical authorities in the 17th century Asian Russia. Such conflicts were especially acute under Archbishop Simeon and Stolnik, prince AI Buynosov-Rostovsky, who was in charge of Tobolsk discharge at that time, and Prince I. Khilkov, boyar prince and boyar. The causes of hostility N.N. Ogloblin considered the abuses of the governor, first of all their actions aimed at subordinating the secular spiritual power. As the scientist found out, Archbishop Simeon arbitrarily, without having obtained the obligatory permission of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, visited Moscow to expose the arbitrariness of the Tobolsk governor, first of all the boyar Prince I.A. Khilkov. The saint, having received only one audience with the sovereign, achieved only satisfaction of requests for the material support of the Sofia house and the return of the peasants to the lands belonging to him.

According to the historian, although the Tobolsk archbishops, especially Simeon, appealed to the sovereign with petitions to prove their case in disputes with the governors and limit the self-will of the bit administrators, often the lords' complaints remained fruitless due to the lack of patrons in Moscow authorities, more and more, mainly from the middle of the 17th century, trying to expand the prerogatives of their governors in Siberia.


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Author Biography

I.A. Silayeva, Scientific and Production Enterprise «Sibgeokarta» (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, начальник отдела кадров


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How to Cite
Silayeva I. Church and Secular Authoritiess Relationship in Siberia of the 17th Century in the Works of N.N. Ogloblin // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 2(106). P. 43-47 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)2-07. URL:
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