Criminalistics Situations Arising at the Initial Stage of Investigation of Violations of Traffic Rules by a Person Subjected to Administrative Punishment

  • M.O. Yaseneva Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: forensic situation, initial stage of investigation, violation of traffic rules, person subjected to administrative punishment


The article considers typical forensic situations that develop at the initial stage of the investigation of violations of traffic rules by a person subjected to administrative punishment; proposes algorithms for their resolution; illustrates the opinions of forensic scientists on the investigative situation. Three typical forensic situations of the initial stage of the investigation are identified on the basis of the presence, lack or absence of a set of evidence indicating that a person was guilty of a crime. In order to identify typical forensic situations of violation of traffic rules by a person subjected to administrative punishment, a study of 250 criminal cases was conducted, the preliminary investigation of which was conducted in the Republics of Altai, Tyva, Khakassia, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo Regions, Altai, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk Territories and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous County between 2015 and 2017.


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Author Biography

M.O. Yaseneva, Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Barnaul, Russia)

адъюнкт Барнаульского юридического института МВД России


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How to Cite
Yaseneva M. Criminalistics Situations Arising at the Initial Stage of Investigation of Violations of Traffic Rules by a Person Subjected to Administrative Punishment // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 6(104). P. 265-269 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)6-51. URL:
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