Specificity of Paulinus of Nola Letter Collection and Its Significance for Historical Studies

  • E.V. Litovchenko Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia) Email: litovchenko@bsu.edu.ru
  • S.V. Shilina Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia) Email: sony_alymova@mail.ru
Keywords: Late Antiquity, Paulinus of Nola, letter collection, Christianity


The paper considers the personality and correspondence of the Gallo-Roman nobleman and bishop Paulinus of Nola (ca. 353-431). This figure did not attract the close attention of Russian historians, both antiquity researchers and medievalists, until now. The lack of research interest to Paulinus’ letter collection can be attributed to the prevailing accentuation of spiritual and biblical themes of its content, first of all. The aim of the work, which consists in analyzing the written heritage of bishop of Nola in the context of its significance for historical science, is achieved through the use of a prosopographic method. This method contributes to the systematization of data on the author of the epistolary collection, his social network and range of interests. The study is based on the materials of fifty Paulinus’ letters containing information about his addressees, including Ambrose of Milan, Jerome of Stridon, Augustine of Hippo, Sulpicius Severus, as well as details of his episcopal activities, and monastic life. The authors come to the conclusion that, despite the one-dimensional religious nature of Paulinus’ correspondence, his epistles contain much information which can be used to reconstruct the picture of the world of Late Antique man.


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Author Biographies

E.V. Litovchenko, Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры всеобщей истории

S.V. Shilina, Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia)

аспирант историко-филологического факультета


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How to Cite
Litovchenko E., Shilina S. Specificity of Paulinus of Nola Letter Collection and Its Significance for Historical Studies // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 5(103). P. 109-113 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)5-19. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282018%295-19.
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