The Need to Preserve the Memory of F.V. Gebler, a Researcher of Altai and One of the Founders of the Barnaul Museum (Based on the Materials of Local Lore Organizations in the 1920s)

  • Т.В. Тишкина Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия) Email:
Keywords: Friedrich Wilhelmovich Gebler, museum in Barnaul, local history, historical and cultural heritage


The article considers the processes of actualization of the heritage of the Altai researcher, one of the founders of the museum in Barnaul and the doctor, Friedrich Wilhelmovich Gebler (1781-1850). In the 1920s the staff of local lore organizations set the task to identify and study the archival and other information concerning the scientific and professional activities of F.W. Gebler. The article analyzes the joint work of the Altai department of the Russian Geographical Society and the Barnaul Natural History Museum to find the burial site and reconstruct the grave monument of the scientist. The local historians attempted to establish contacts with the relatives of F.W. Gebler to obtain photographic, handwritten and other materials from his heritage. Based on archival documents found in the Barnaul District Archive Bureau, G.D. Nyashin wrote the biography of F.W. Gebler. Subsequently, the results of the research were used to prepare a public report, publications in the 12th edition of the Altai Collection, the publishing authority of the Altai Department of the Russian Geographical Society and the Siberian Soviet Encyclopedia. The materials collected by the local historians entered the Barnaul District Natural History Museum. It is noted that the modern activity of the Altai State Museum of Local Lore is of great importance for the preservation, study and propagation of the heritage of F.W. Gebler.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2018)2-24


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Author Biography

Т.В. Тишкина, Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия)
доцент кафедры археологии, этнографии и музеологии Алтайского государственного университета


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How to Cite
Тишкина Т. The Need to Preserve the Memory of F.V. Gebler, a Researcher of Altai and One of the Founders of the Barnaul Museum (Based on the Materials of Local Lore Organizations in the 1920s) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 2(100). P. 140-144 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)2-24. URL:
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