The Case of the “Siberian Union of the Far Easterners” as the Beginning of the “Harbinian” Operation of the USSR NKVD in the Altai Territory

  • Н.А. Потапова Новосибирский государственный университет (Новосибирск, Россия) Email:
Keywords: the Great terror, “national” operations, “Harbinian” operation, Altai Territory, Siberian Union of the Far Easterners, “Far Easterners”, “Harbinians”


The article is devoted to the history of falsification of the case of the “Siberian Union of the Far Easterners” during the Great Terror in the Altai Territory. The case was fabricated by officers of the NKVD city department in Barnaul in the summer of 1937 as part of the ”ROVS punitive” operation, but later became part of “Harbinian” operation which started on September 20, 1937 after the release of the NKVD USSR order No. 00593. According to the Altai public security officials, the organization was a network association comprising the headquarters and small groups acting in Altai regions and cities. The main participants were “unreliable” elements and “deserters”. There were evacuated employees of the CER, exiled from the Far East and Mongolia, re-emigrants from China, and the representatives of more than eight nationalities: Germans, Poles, Chinese and others. 155 people were arrested on the case. They were accused of “Japanese espionage” and preparing for an uprising. 149 people were shot, six were sentenced to 10 years in the camps. “Siberian Union of the Far Easterners” became the largest group case in Altai in 1937-1938.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2018)2-10


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Author Biography

Н.А. Потапова, Новосибирский государственный университет (Новосибирск, Россия)
аспирант кафедры отечественной истории Гуманитарно-го института Новосибирского национального исследовательского государственного университета


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How to Cite
Потапова Н. The Case of the “Siberian Union of the Far Easterners” as the Beginning of the “Harbinian” Operation of the USSR NKVD in the Altai Territory // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 2(100). P. 67-71 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)2-10. URL:
Отечественная история