Walter Ulbricht and the Renewal of the GDR in 1960s

  • А.М. Бетмакаев Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: the GDR, Walter Ulbricht, the SED, socialism, reforms


The period of the 1960s is the time of renewal in economy, law, society, culture, sports and other life spheres of the German Democratic Republic after the construction of the Berlin Wall. This article discusses the role of the GDR leader W. Ulbricht in the development of the concept and the transformation with the account of the internal and external influences on the dynamics and the result of the reformation. The three pillars of the renewal concept were the building of a new economic system (stronger ties between science, technology and economic activity), the change in the practices of party organs (abandoning of on-the-spot intervention in favor of strategic planning), and the strengthening of the central role of government and law. Ulbricht’s increased focus on the GDR development strategy was in tune with his notion of the role of “Landesvater”. Inspired by the possibilities of the scientific-technological revolution, the GDR leader decided to rely on technocrats and dismiss Stalinist party functionaries. However, he still acknowledged the SED as the key player in the political system. The continuing supremacy of the SED made it possible for the conventionalists in the Central Committee to stop the renewal and force its initiator to resign in May 1971. The dismissal of Ulbricht was largely orchestrated by the Soviets that in the aftermath of the Prague Spring viewed any innovation in the building of the Socialism in Eastern Europe as a threat to the security of the USSR.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)5-22


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Author Biography

А.М. Бетмакаев, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
кандидат исторических наук, доцент, доцент кафедрывсеобщей истории и международных отношений  Алтайского государственного университета (Барнаул, Россия)


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How to Cite
Бетмакаев А. Walter Ulbricht and the Renewal of the GDR in 1960s // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 5(97). P. 129-133 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)5-22. URL: