The Dynamics of the Parish Building in the Eparchy of Omsk in 1895-1917

  • Н.В. Дикова Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия) Email:
Keywords: Russian Empire, Steppe Region, West Siberia, the Omsk Eparchy Omsk, the Parish building


The article analyzes the dynamics of the parish building of the Omsk Eparchy since its formation in 1985 and until 1917. Geographically, most of the Omsk Eparchy was taken by the Steppe governor-generalship with the  Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions, in ethno-confessional terms populated by Muslims, Orthodoxies and Old Believers communities. Therefore, the Russian Orthodox Church played an important role in the spiritual leadership of the region and the implementation of the policy of Russification. To achieve this goal in the end of the 19th the Omsk Eparchy appears on the map of Western Siberia.

As a result of the sources analysis the author has divided the process of construction of the Omsk Eparchy in two stages. The first stage was associated with the beginning of the mass migration of the peasant from the European part of the country to the territory of the Steppe region and thus with a sharp increase in the Orthodox population in the region. This phase was characterized by the slow pace of parish construction in the Omsk diocese, unpreparedness of the diocesan authorities for an influx of migrants. The second phase, associated with the beginning of Stolypin's agrarian reform in 1905, was characterized with even a more dramatic increase in the Orthodox population in the steppe region. In order to meet the spiritual needs of displaced persons and securing the positions of the Russian Orthodox Church in the steppe region  at the legislative level the decision was made  to increase the pace of construction of the parish in the Omsk Eparchy due to government subsidies ed. As a result, the Omsk Eparchy in 1915  was able to increase the number of churches in 3.5 times.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)5-05


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Author Biography

Н.В. Дикова, Алтайский государственный университет (Барнаул, Россия)
аспирант исторического факультета, старший преподаватель кафедрывостоковедения Алтайского государственного университета (Барнаул, Россия)


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How to Cite
Дикова Н. The Dynamics of the Parish Building in the Eparchy of Omsk in 1895-1917 // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 5(97). P. 39-43 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)5-05. URL: