New Aspects of the Scientific Heritage of A.N. Zyryanov

  • Д.В. Князева Kurgan State University (Kurgan, Russia) Email:
Keywords: peasant unrest, Pugachev, climate, moral education, literacy


In this article the author examines the new aspects of the scientific activities of A.N. Zyryanov from Zauralje that previously were not analyzed and considered. A.N. Zyryanov was a historian and ethnographer of the second half of the 19th century. He published his research in the newspaper Perm Gubernsky Gazette and also in several famous scientific magazines of that time. These publications were about the history of region in the 17th–19th centuries. They described the daily life of Dalmatovo, the town where A. N.Zyryanov lived and worked. He was a chronicler who published documents of the 17th–18th centuries. They were found by A.N. Zyryanov in the archive. The ethnographer researched the situations with the climate and medicine in his hometown he also investigated. The issues of morality. He was concerned with the problem of countrymen's literaсy. So in 1859 he donated books and newspapers to the district Council of Shadrinsk. A.N. Zyryanov was trying to solve the alcoholism problem among the peasants. So he wrote articles about this subject and tried to interest the peasants by reading books and newspapers to distract them from the so called "green serpent". A.N. Zyryanov had some success in this intention. Additionally, he wrote poetry and was interested in folklore: folk songs, riddles. People forgot about outstanding historian after his death. However, they remembered about him in the 1930s. Now there is a monument to the first archaeologist and ethnographer of Zauralje, that was established in Dalmatovo only in 2000.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)2-28


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Author Biography

Д.В. Князева, Kurgan State University (Kurgan, Russia)
соискатель степени кандидата исторических наук, преподаватель истории и обществознания,  краевед, сотрудник Центра образования 


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How to Cite
Князева Д. New Aspects of the Scientific Heritage of A.N. Zyryanov // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 2(94) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)2-28. URL: