On the Solvability of the Initial Boundary Value Problem for a System of Equations Describing the Motion of Magma

  • А.А. Папин Altai State University Email: papin@math.asu.ru
  • М.А. Токарева Altai State University Email: tma25@mail.ru
Keywords: filtration, poroelasticity, magma, Darcy law, global solvability


The study deals with the mathematical justification of a filtration model for a viscous fluid in a poroelastic medium. The system of equations under consideration is a generalization of classical filtration models with porosity being a given function. The consideration of porous medium compressibility is a matter of principle. The basis of this model includes fluid mass conservation equations, the porous skeleton, Darcy's law for a fluid with consideration of the porous skeleton movement, the rheological equation for porosity, and the system equilibrium condition. Paragraph 1 provides a brief overview of the main results. In paragraph 2, we state in Euler variables the problem of one-dimensional motion of magma. The transition to Lagrange variables allows us to reduce the original system to a single non-classical equation of the third order. In paragraph 3, the local theorem on the existence of a smooth solution of the initial-boundary value problem with the model dependence of filtration rate and shear viscosity coefficients on porosity is established. Also, the global solvability of the problem is proved. Global a priori estimates play the crucial role in proving the theorem with the estimates of strict positivity and limited porosity being the key features.


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How to Cite
Папин А., Токарева М. On the Solvability of the Initial Boundary Value Problem for a System of Equations Describing the Motion of Magma // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 1(93) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)1-22. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282017%291-22.