The Study of Early Paleolithic of Dagestan: New Data (According to the Materials of the Site Darvagchai-Bay-4)

  • А.В.  Кандыба Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
  • А.Г.  Рыбалко Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Dagestan, stone industry, Early and Middle Paleolithic, Pleistocene, sea transgressions


The article presents preliminary results obtained during the field research of the early Paleolithic cultural- historical site complex Darvagchai-Bay-4. In 2014/15 on the site were held stationary archaeological research, the total area of the excavations was 47 m2. We have obtained a small but very illustrative collection of artifacts, dedicated to the pebble-gravel deposits (layers 3 and 5). On the basis of biostratigraphic data, the age of the basal sediments is determined by the final stage of the Baku transgression of the Caspian Sea. Central to this article is the description and analysis of the stratigraphic section and the collections of stone artifacts of the early Paleolithic complex site Darvagchai- Bay-4. On the basis of stratigraphy and planigraphy, and degree of preservation of surface artifacts it is concluded that the discovered stone tools we re moved at t he m i n i mu m d ist a nce in the post-sedimentary period. Early Paleolithic complex of the site Darvagchai-Bay-4 is characterized, in the first place, with weak typological severity and instability of the core and gun forms. There is a very limited number of morphologically pronounced core units. The crushing method was widely used to produce blanks. The number of functional types among gun forms is small. These are mainly scrapers, thor n, notched and combined products. A special place in the industry belongs to expressive bifacial tools such as handaxes characteristic of the Acheulian epoch in the Caucasus. DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)4-41


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Author Biographies

А.В.  Кандыба, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
кандидат исторических наук, научный сотрудник лаборатории междисциплинарного изучения археологии Западной Сибири и Алтая 
А.Г.  Рыбалко, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia)
кандидат исторических наук, научный сотрудник Отдела археологии каменного века 


Котович В.Г. Каменный век Дагестана. - Махачкала, 1964.

Деревянко А.П., Амирханов Х.А., Зенин В.Н., Анойкин А.А., Рыбалко А.Г. Проблемы палеолита Дагестана. - Новосибирск, 2012.

Голубятников В.Д. Морские и речные террасы Дагестана // Ассоциация по изуч. четвертич. периода Европы. - М., 1937. - Вып. III

How to Cite
Кандыба А., Рыбалко А. The Study of Early Paleolithic of Dagestan: New Data (According to the Materials of the Site Darvagchai-Bay-4) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4(92) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2016)4-41. URL: