China and Mongolia: Historical, Political and Psychological Aspects of Mutual Relations

  • Д.К. Бабаян Artsakh State University (Stepanakert, Armenia) Email:
Keywords: China, Mongolia, “soft power”, “rough weakness”, geography, ethno-political specifics, global geopolitical trends


Mongolian vector is among the most significant directions of the Chinese geopolitics affecting a range of historical, political, economic, psychological, ethno- cultural aspects in foreign and domestic political realms. There is also a range of quite sensitive issues affecting not only the Chinese-Mongolian relations, but also the geopolitics of the People’s Republic of China in general. The eff iciency of Chinese policy in terms of developing of mutually beneficial cooperation in a number of regions and countries, especially in Central Asia, to a certain extent depends on the policy pursued by Beijing in relation with Mongolia. Among the most interesting aspects of the Chinese — Mongolian relations of great interest is the strategy used by these countries differing by their military, political, economic and demographic potentials, to maintain balanced and good neighborly relations with each other. The basis of Beijing’s policy towards Mongolia is the well- known strategy of “soft power”. The main strategy of Ulaanbaatar can be classified as “rough weakness” the essence of which is to make use of v ulnerabilities so that the implementation of the power politics from the more powerful neighbors became inexpedient. The relations between these two states prove that these diametrically opposite strategies can effectively balance each other. Studying the China- Mongolian relations is very much expedient also within the context of comprehending various patterns of peaceful coexistence of a great power and a weak neighbor in general. DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)4-31


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Author Biography

Д.К. Бабаян, Artsakh State University (Stepanakert, Armenia)
кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры истории и политологии 


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How to Cite
Бабаян Д. China and Mongolia: Historical, Political and Psychological Aspects of Mutual Relations // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4(92) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2016)4-31. URL: