Legal Regulation of the Information Space in the Sphere of Foreign Trade

  • А.В. Губарева Ural State Law University Email:
  • К.Е. Коваленко Altai State University Email:
Keywords: information, trade, e-commerce, Internet, commerce, electronic contract, online store, efficiency, the international market, globalization


The article considers the problems of regulation of the information space in the sphere of foreign economic activity. It is stated that the dynamic information conversion in the contemporary society necessitates their comprehensive analysis and understanding from the legal science, which has not yet developed a robust theoretical position of forming the legal basis for closer integration of states in the information sphere. The research of information events in the framework of laws is carried out mainly in the closed theoretical field, thereby continuously developing information processes as objective spheres of jurisprudence are analyzed in the specific framework of legal scientific disciplines. These circumstances necessitate the search and selection of cross-industry integrated approaches in research devoted to legal regulation of interstate information exchange. In the absence of an effective system of the state regulation of the circulation of goods, the “Internet” faces consumers’ rights protection issues. Monetary and financial market not only fails to serve as the effective financing of productive investment, but also is a source of destabilization of the Russian economy. The article analyzes the state of the electronic commercial turnover of the Russian Federation and China, EAEC countries (Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Belarus). Consideration is given to the software development of the Russian Internet Development Institute (IRI).

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-08


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How to Cite
Губарева А., Коваленко К. Legal Regulation of the Information Space in the Sphere of Foreign Trade // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3(91) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-08. URL: