The Charity Work of the Altai Ladies’ Committee (1915–1918)

  • К.А. Тишкина Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: charity, the Altai territory, Siberian society rendering help to the sick and wounded soldiers, Russian Red Cross Society, First World War


During the World War I, due to the growth of the patriotic movement, the urban population of the Russian Empire began to unite in various charity institutions. The main goals of their activity were to support the soldiers at the front and in the rear. Among the charity institutions the ladies’ committees were widespread. They were created largely on the initiative of the wives of governors and senior officials, and united the women who sympathized with the common cause — helping soldiers. In Barnaul, the Altai Ladies’ Committee was opened in February 1915. The wife of the chief of the Altai district M.V. Mikhailova headed it. Initially the institution was composed of the wives of the employees of the Altai Region, and then it was open for the women who wanted to do charity work. In 1915, as institution was composed of 81 ladies. Funding for the Altai Ladies’ Committee was carried through membership fees (annually 5 rubles), deductions from the salaries of the district employees, receipts from various charity events. The members of the Committee were engaged in making underwear for soldiers and people in need, sending loads with gifts to the front. For the soldiers demobilized for health reasons in the city was organized the medical-food station for 25 people. Created in Barnaul patronage took soldiers in need of treatment. During 1916-1917 the place was visited by 173 people. In 1915 the orphanage for 50 children was organized. Subsequently, the institution was reorganized into a provincial orphanage. Altai Ladies’ Committee actively collaborated with charity institutions of Barnaul: circle of spiritual ladies, the departments of the Siberian Society helping the sick and wounded soldiers and the Russian Red Cross Society.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.2-33


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Author Biography

К.А. Тишкина, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
аспирант кафедры отечественной истории


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How to Cite
Тишкина К. The Charity Work of the Altai Ladies’ Committee (1915–1918) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4/2(88) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.2-33. URL: