Political Protest Movements of the 1990s–2000s as a Type of Extra-Institutional Collective Action

  • Ю.В. Кучерова Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) Email: yuliakucherova1917@yandex.ru
Keywords: political protest, protest political movements, extra-institutional forms of political protest, social movements, collective action, Western Europe, globalization, the 1990s–2000s


The article reveals the concept of political protest movements as a form of social movements. The Influence of extra-institutional actors on politics at the beginning of the XXI century increased significantly because of the global processes. There are many actors, not originating from the traditional government and political institutions, but seeking to influence the political process. The author shows the complex relationship between political protest movements, organizations and institutional policy. According to the author’s position, the extrainstitutional form of political protest is a rational type of collective action. The choice of protest behavior form is caused by a lack of efficiency of the institutional channels of political decision-making. Political protest movements are the conflict type of collective action. They are focused on the systems of authority, such as government, NGOs, religious organizations, educational institutions and corporations. Movements as the extra-institutional actors are the type of conflict confrontation which in its content sharply diverges from the existing social and political institutions, values and normative structure of the regulating the behavior of citizens groups.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.2-17


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Author Biography

Ю.В. Кучерова, Saint-Petersburg State University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
аспирант кафедры политических институтов и прикладных политических исследований


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How to Cite
Кучерова Ю. Political Protest Movements of the 1990s–2000s as a Type of Extra-Institutional Collective Action // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4/2(88) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.2-17. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282015%294.2-17.