N.N. Ogloblin as Researcher of Structure of the Tobolsk Administration in XVIIth Century

  • И.А. Силаева OOO «Scientific and Production Enterprise “Sibgeokarta” (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia) Email: sheflera77@mail.ru
Keywords: N.N. Ogloblin, Siberia, Tobolsk, voivodes, written heads, clerks, podyachy


The prominent historian and the archivist N.N. Ogloblin, on the basis of numerous documents of archive of the Siberian order, researched diverse activity of the Tobolsk administrators in the XVIIth century. The scientist considered appointments of voivodes, the written heads, clerks and scribes, their transfers to service to other cities, the facts of performance of various official instructions including those related to the contacts with bordering states. According to the N.N. Ogloblin, the Tobolsk voivodes and their “companions” searched for new lands, imposed taxes and duties on indigenous people, collected them, ensured economic stability, received salary for the service people, and organized campaigns to bordering lands and ambassadorial missions to the neighboring governors. Administrators of the Siberian capital, for example, collected tribute from indigenous people of the Tobolsk district. According to N.N. Ogloblin, in the activity the scribes in Asian Russia, as well as voivodes, being experts on the law and local life, acted as the heads, and executives. Following the conclusion of the scientist, the Tobolsk voivodes, the written heads, clerks and scribes of the XVIIth century contributed to the development of “The Siberian Kingdom”.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-37


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Author Biography

И.А. Силаева, OOO «Scientific and Production Enterprise “Sibgeokarta” (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia)
кандидат исторических наук, начальник отдела кадров


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Обозрение столбцов и книг Сибирского приказа (1592-1768 гг.) / сост. Н.Н. Оглоблин. Ч. 3: Документы по сношениям местного управления с центральным. - М., 1901.

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How to Cite
Силаева И. N.N. Ogloblin as Researcher of Structure of the Tobolsk Administration in XVIIth Century // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4/1(88) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-37. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282015%294.1-37.