The Method of Graphic Reconstruction (on the Example of Armament of Bystryanskaya Culture)

  • О.С.  Лихачева Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: method of graphic reconstruction, art figure, Bystrianskaya culture, arms complex, material sources, pictorial sources


The article considers the issues, which are attributed to such an area (tendency) in Archeology as the graphic reconstruction and illustrates the principle of its implementation on the reconstruction of complex weapons of the warrior belonging to Bystrianska culture of the V-IIIth centuries BC. The author analyses the main concepts and gives their definitions, which enables her to organize the terminological apparatus for the research. Significant emphasis is made on the significance of this method in the fields of Archaeology, in General and Military Archeology in particular, and a brief overview is given to the achievements in the field. The analytical section of the submitted article describes the arms complex of the Bystrianska culture of the V-IIIth centuries BC, selected source base for renovation of each separate element of the accoutrement of a warrior and his horse, and produces the algorithm for the graphic reconstruction of the warrior of the ancient society. The method includes detection of the materials of monuments for the possible complex armament of the archaeological cultures, selection of the necessary material sources, search for analogies in the cases, when the element was not been preserved, the account in the process of drawing sizes of objects and their proportions of the various parts of the human body and the animal.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-28


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Author Biography

О.С.  Лихачева, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
аспирант кафедры археологии, этнографии и музеологии 


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How to Cite
Лихачева О. The Method of Graphic Reconstruction (on the Example of Armament of Bystryanskaya Culture) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4/1(88) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-28. URL: