The Influence of the Military Factor on Process of Early State Formation in Ancient Israel

  • А.А. Горохов The Branch of Tyumen State University in Tobolsk (Tobolsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: military factor, Saul, David, professional army, chiefdom, early statehood, urbanization, material culture, weapon


The article analyzes one of the important factors that affected process of the statehood formation in ancient Israel. The military factor had an impact on various structures (social and political life, the economy, material culture) of ancient Israel society in the process of formation of the Jewish state. External threats and a series of wars became a catalyst for socio-political process which resulted in the consolidation of ancient Jews, the emergence of the main leader and his military team, and then the creation of a professional army, changes in the economy and material culture. There were created necessary conditions for the integration of the Jewish tribes which were united in the ethnical-religious alliance, with the following emergence of chiefdom in the 2nd half of the XIth BC, and then its transformation into early state in the 1st half of Xth century BC. The Requirements of the military leader and professional army affected agricultural development. The army needed surplus product. The material culture also varies. Safety threat promoted urbanization and fortification development, followed by strengthened cities. The necessity for the weapon triggered the development of craft production in towns.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-11


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Author Biography

А.А. Горохов, The Branch of Tyumen State University in Tobolsk (Tobolsk, Russia)
аспирант кафедры истории, философии, культурологии, теории и методики обучения


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How to Cite
Горохов А. The Influence of the Military Factor on Process of Early State Formation in Ancient Israel // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 4/1(88) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)4.1-11. URL: