Comparative Analysis of the Clergy of the Factory and Rural Parishe of Barnaul Spiritual Government in the First Half of the XX Century

  • М.Е.  Чибисов Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: source studies, the Russian Orthodox Church, clerics statements, parish clergy, Altai Mountains district


The article analyzes the clergy composition of two different of parishes: factory (Vvedenskaya Church in the village at the Pavlovsk plant) and rural (Michael the Archangel Church, Таlmеnskoe village). The analysis is based on the Clerical records. Well preserved documents in the in the state archives of the Altai Territory made it possible to analyze the designated clergy of churches in the period from 1804 to 1864. The material support of the parish and consequently the composition of its clergy were determined according to the status. The study of the information on the clergy, contained in the source, allowed finding the differences in quantitative and qualitative composition of the clergy in the churches. The Pavlovsky parish was better off financially, and therefore security, experience, level of education and the quality of performance of the official duties of the clergy in Vvedenskaya a Church in Pavlovsk were significantly higher than in the Talmenskoe parish. The article concludes that the status of the Church directly influenced the composition of the clergy. Due to their better material conditions, the factory parishes were more attractive for clergy which resulted in the quality of their service and staff composition.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.2-42


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Государственный архив Алтайского края. - Ф. 26. - Оп. 1. - Д. 290-343

How to Cite
Чибисов М. Comparative Analysis of the Clergy of the Factory and Rural Parishe of Barnaul Spiritual Government in the First Half of the XX Century // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3/2(87) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.2-40. URL: