The Workers’ Struggle for Their Interests in West Siberia at the End of the XIX — the Beginning of the XX Century

  • В.Н.  Фаронов Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: workers, Western Siberia, strike, protest, the workers’ struggle


At the end of the XIX — the beginning of the XX century the working class in Western Siberia was at the formation stage. Most of workers, former peasants, who recently left their villages, in many respects, inherited stereotypes of traditional behavior that was reflected in the forms of workers’ protest. In its arsenal there were revolts, disorders, hooligan actions, acts of terror, escapes, informing, etc. This practice was low-productive, had a sporadic character and resulted from emotional explosion, rather than a planned action. However, soon the working class developed proletarian forms of fight which started to force out the traditional forms and became dominant. The strike became the main form of struggle as it helped to achieve the most impressive results. The main social base of protest was composed of the workers involved in mechanized transport, metal working and mining industries. However, traditional types of protest actions took an important place in the fight. The growth of working class activity was observed. Although, in general, the working protest in Western Siberia can hardly be recognized as high. So, the specific weight of the protesting proletariat in the Tomsk Province in the beginning of the XX century which is most industrially developed in Siberia made less than 2 % of protesting workers of all Russia.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.2-38


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Author Biography


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How to Cite
Фаронов В. The Workers’ Struggle for Their Interests in West Siberia at the End of the XIX — the Beginning of the XX Century // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3/2(87) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.2-36. URL: