Constructive Strategies of Breaking the Deadlock of Modern Social and Cultural Situation: about the Book by A.V. Ivanov, I.V. Fotieva, M.Yu. Shishin “Towards the New Civilization (Essays of Spiritual and Ecological Philosophy)”

  • Т.А.  Семилет Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: spiritual and ecological values, green economy, state of truth


The author analyzes the book “Towards the New Civilization (articles on spiritual and ecological philosophy)” written by Andrey Ivanov, Irina Fotieva and Mikhail Shishin. The reviewer believes that the main advantage of the book is the constructive program of transformation of modern civilization along with clearly defined strategies and ways of major reconstruction of economic, political, social and cultural existence. The philosophers emphasize the main “sins” of modern civilization: consumerist attitude towards nature, commercialization of culture, education and art, transformation of democracy into the absolute power of minority, ignorance peculiar to electoral majority in making strategically important decisions, devaluation of liberty, equality and fraternity, denial of the fact that the world is organized around the axis of moral principles and is rotating around it. The philosophers regard these symptoms as the confirmation of the deep crisis of the modern civilization built on production and consumption. The scientists believe that the constructive transformation of human existence is possible provided that spiritual and ecological values are set as the priorities. Afterwards “green economy”, “state of truth” and the new Eurasian space as the emitter of social and cultural novations shall emerge.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-40


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Author Biography

Т.А.  Семилет, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры теории и практики журналистики


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How to Cite
Семилет Т. Constructive Strategies of Breaking the Deadlock of Modern Social and Cultural Situation: about the Book by A.V. Ivanov, I.V. Fotieva, M.Yu. Shishin “Towards the New Civilization (Essays of Spiritual and Ecological Philosophy)” // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3/1(87) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-40. URL: