Cognitive-Perception Selectivity and Regulation of Social Anxiety in Evaluation Situations

  • О.А. Сагалакова Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
  • И.Я. Стоянова National Research Tomsk Stаtе University (Tomsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: social anxiety, social anxiety disorder, cognitive-perception selectivity, target regulation, mental activity, situations of personal evaluation, evaluation, humiliation and derision, attention biases, self-focused attention


The article analyses modern scientific-proved models of social anxiety (SA) (cognitive, metacognitive, experimentally-pathopsychological). It is shown that the key mechanisms of SA occurrence and maintenance are specific biases of target regulation, and also cog-nitive-perception mental activity’s selectivity in personal evaluation situations. Self-focused attention concerns distortions of cognitive-perception selectivity at SA (“I in others’ viewing”), selective monitoring of stimulus threatening to the status, fixation on negative aspects of the situation, negative forecasting. SA is characterized by metacognitive attribution the anxiety as dangerous and subjectively unacceptable. Participation in evaluation situations at SA provokes excessive fixing on minor operationally-technical aspects of activity. One can observe the shift of the attention focus to the performing and secondary acts of target self presentation. Multitasking in cognitive-perception activity at SA in evaluation situation leads to a fast exhaustion of resources of any attention and behavior disorganization.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-13


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Author Biographies

О.А. Сагалакова, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры клинической психологии 
И.Я. Стоянова, National Research Tomsk Stаtе University (Tomsk, Russia)
доктор психологических наук, руководитель группы медицинской психологии в НИИ психического здоровья СО РАМН, профессор кафедры психологического консультирования и психотерапии 


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How to Cite
Сагалакова О., Стоянова И. Cognitive-Perception Selectivity and Regulation of Social Anxiety in Evaluation Situations // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3/1(87) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2015)3.1-13. URL: