N.M. Yadrintsev and A.F. Barkov in 1874: «A New Period of Life, Full of Personal Happiness and Major Social Success»

УДК 93/94 ББК 63.3(2)

  • A.V. Golovinov Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email: alex-golovinov@mail.ru
  • Yu.V. Golovinova Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia) Email: yu.golovinova@mail.ru
Keywords: N.M. Yadrintsev, A.F. Barkova, Siberian regionalism, journalism, Siberia


This article considers a significant period in the biography of Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev. In the high summer of 1874 in St. Petersburg the famous publicist got married to Adelaide Fedorovna Barkova. The authors emphasize that with the beginning of his family life N. M. Yadrintsev intensified his creative activity, having a reliable rear and household arrangements.

Guided by the first biographical information and appealing to sources of personal origin (letters, memoirs, autobiography), the authors have proved that in the surviving materials there are obvious inaccuracies in determining the exact date of marriage. Only with a thorough analysis of extant written sources the correct date of the wedding can be established.

In general, the authors conclude that the wife played a significant role in the life of Nikolai Mikhailovich. Outstanding, sociable, responsive and intellectually gifted A.F. Barkova wholeheartedly shared any of her husband's endeavors. Analyzing the autobiographical notes the authors state that after the wedding the destiny of N.M. Yadrintsev changed, he felt a burst of energy in his activity.


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Author Biographies

A.V. Golovinov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры конституционного и международного права

Yu.V. Golovinova, Altai State Pedagogical University (Barnaul, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры правоведения и методики преподавания социально-экономических дисциплин


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Johnson A. Envisioning Siberia: Siberian Regionalism through Evolution and Revolution. Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2016.

Peet Elizabeth. The Rise of Siberian Nationalism // The Wilson Quarterly. 1 July 2015.

Ядринцев Н.М. К моей автобиографии // Русская мысль. 1904. Кн. 6.

Потанин Г.Н. Письма Г.Н. Потанина. Т. 2 [Отв. ред. Н. А. Флоренсов, Ю.П. Козлов]. Иркутск, 1987.

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Острогорский В.П. Памяти Н.М. Ядринцева: исторический очерк и воспоминания // Русские ведомости. 1894. 5 авг. (№ 214).

How to Cite
Golovinov A., Golovinova Y. N.M. Yadrintsev and A.F. Barkov in 1874: «A New Period of Life, Full of Personal Happiness and Major Social Success» // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2022, № 6(128). P. 20-23 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2022)6-02. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282022%296-02.
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