Conformally Killing Fields on 2-Symmetric Five-Dimensional Lorentzian Manifolds

УДК 514.742.4

  • T.A. Andreeva Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
  • V.V. Balashchenko Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus) Email:
  • D.N. Oskorbin Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
  • E.D. Rodionov Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: conformol Killing vector fields, Lorentzian manifolds, k-symmetric spaces, Killing vector fields, Ricci solitons


The papers of many mathematicians are devoted to the study of conformally Killing vector fields. Being a natural generalization of the concept of Killing vector fields, these fields generate a Lie algebra corresponding to the Lie group of conformal transformations of the manifold. Moreover, they generate the class of locally conformally homogeneous (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds studied by V.V. Slavsky and E.D. Rodionov. Ricci solitons, which R. Hamilton first considered, are another important area of research. Ricci solitons are a generalization of Einstein's metrics on (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. The Ricci soliton equation has been studied on various classes of manifolds by many mathematicians. In particular, a general solution of the Ricci soliton equation was found on 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds of low dimension, and the solvability of this equation in the class of 3-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds was proved. The Killing vector fields make it possible to find the general solution of the Ricci soliton equation in the case of the constancy of the Einstein constant in the Ricci soliton equation. However, the role of the Killing fields is played by conformally Killing vector fields for different values of the Einstein constant.

In this paper, we investigate conformal Killing vector fields on 5-dimensional 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds. The general solution of the conformal analog of the Killing equation on five-dimensional locally indecomposable 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds is described in local coordinates, discovered by A.S. Galaev and D.V. Alekseevsky.


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Author Biographies

T.A. Andreeva, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)


V.V. Balashchenko, Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus)

кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент кафедры геометрии, топологии и методики преподавания математики

D.N. Oskorbin, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

доцент кафедры математического анализа

E.D. Rodionov, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

доктор физико-математических наук, профессор кафедры математического анализа


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How to Cite
Andreeva T., Balashchenko V., Oskorbin D., Rodionov E. Conformally Killing Fields on 2-Symmetric Five-Dimensional Lorentzian Manifolds // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2021, № 1(117). P. 68-71 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)1-11. URL:
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