Evolution of Language Policy in Afghanistan Education System in the 1920s-2010s.

УДК 371 (581) ББК 74.04 (5Аф)

  • Yulia N. Tsyryapkina Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Russia Email: guzvenko@yandex.ru
Keywords: Afghanistan, modern teaching model, Pashto, Dari, language policy, multi-level education system


The article considers the processes of development of Afghanistan education system in the context of evolution of language policy in the years 1920s — 2010s. It was made clear that multi-level education system in Afghanistan was formed in the years of 1920s — 1930s and finally confirmed in the 1960s years. The most widely spread language in the sphere of business correspondence and education was Dari. The article finds out that Pashto as the language of the state-constituting ethnic group was enforced in the years 1930s — 1940s. On the basis of statistics data it has been proved that in 1960s the territorial and lingual differentiation in school education still remained. The analysis of academic curriculum has shown that in the education process much attention was paid to the language training of students, specifically they studied Pashto / Dari, Arabic, foreign language. The Government of the People's Democratic Party in the years 1980s made an attempt to introduce education provided by the Uzbek and Turkmen languages in the areas of indigenous dwelling of these ethnic groups. The article demonstrates that after the rise to power of Western-oriented governments of H. Karzai and A. Ghani, according to the Constitution of 2004 Pashto and Dari were accepted as the official languages, at the same time the status of languages of some ethnic minorities were strengthened, among other things including the education system, that shows the aspiration of the government to achieve equitable character of language policy.



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Author Biography

Yulia N. Tsyryapkina, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Russia

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General History


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How to Cite
Tsyryapkina Y. N. Evolution of Language Policy in Afghanistan Education System in the 1920s-2010s. // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2024, № 5(139). P. 70-78 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2024)5-09. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282024%295-09.
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