Securitization of Memory Politics and Identity Politics as Academic and Political Tools

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  • L.A. Fadeeva Perm State National Research University (Perm, Russia) Email:
Keywords: securitization, memory politics, identity politics, politicization of history, legitimation of foreign policy, soft power


The article discusses securitization of memory politics and identity politics as a part of academic tools and some kind of political tools. The author characterizes the process of securitization analyzing both academic and political discourse of the last decade. The securitization of the politics of memory and identity, as well as the politicization of history are reflected in academic publications and political declarations, pouring out into hot discussions, debates, wars of memory, struggle of identities. Research findings can create basis for a political turn or a new foreign policy course. Securitization puts the category of identity in the context of international security while identity politics could be used as a soft power element or foreign policy tool. There has been a turn towards defining identity politics as a concrete ideological weapon that can be used against opponents in the ideological and political struggle. This significantly changes meaning of identity politics. The author considers that in scientific analysis it is advisable to avoid extreme politization of identity.


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Author Biography

L.A. Fadeeva, Perm State National Research University (Perm, Russia)

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How to Cite
Fadeeva L. Securitization of Memory Politics and Identity Politics as Academic and Political Tools // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2020, № 6(116). P. 73-76 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2020)6-12. URL: