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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1.Papers should be submitted in 2 copies

  • printed copy;
  • soft copy (CD, DVD or e-mail attachment to izvestiya.asu@email.asu.ru, file name should be the name(s) of the author(s), e.g. Ivanov). Papers are submitted in Russian and English.

2. Submissions are limited to 0.5 printer’s sheets (11 pages) including bibliography, the author(s)’ biographical statement and images. For PhD. and post-doctoral  students in Humanities papers are limited to 1 printer’s sheet (22 pages). Minimal length for Humanities 0.3 printer’s sheets (6 pages).

3. The printed copy should be signed by the author(s) on the last page.

4. The article must be submitted with:

  • the  conclusion of the degree of secrecy (for articles on physical and mathematical sciences);
  • recommendation of the department;

5. PhD. students are requested to submit a certificate of graduate studies

6.  The paper should include:

  • УДК/ББК index in the upper left-hand corner,  front page. УДК index for papers in  Natural and Technical sciences, ББК index for papers in Humanities.
  • The author(s))’ initials and last name(s), title of the paper, summary in Russian (1000-1600 characters without spaces), key words for the Russian version (5-10 words)
  • The author(s)’ initials and last name(s), title of the paper, summary in English (1000-1600 characters without spaces), key words  for the English version (5-10 words)
  • Main  text of the paper
  • Bibliography
  • Tables with titles
  • Figures with captions
  • The author)s)’ biographical statement(s) (last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree and title, position, affiliation(s),contact details: telephone, postal address, postal code and e-mail)

7. If the main text is in English, the author(s)’ initials, last name(s), summary and key words are given in English first, then in Russian.

8. The article must consist of:

  • introduction giving  the overview of recent publications on the subject, including foreign authors and stating the relevance and purpose of the work;
  • description of the methods and techniques of conducted research;
  • obtained results and their discussion;
  • the final part (the conclusion) with the conclusions of the work.

9. Papers should be submitted in WORD format (one of most recent versions), saved in doc.

10. Papers should be printed in one copy in the printer full version of the text on one side of a white paper sheet, size A4 (21X29.7cm). On a standard page there are approximately 1,800 characters ( including  spaces), 30 lines X60 characters. Font: Times New Roman. Font size: 14. Line spacing: 1.5. For word count use MS WORD Statistics Service. Margins: Top, bottom, right, left -2 cm. All pages should be numbered.

11. Requirements to Word format text:

  • Plain text
  • The text must be organized in paragraphs without left indent.
  • Please avoid hyphenation
  • Text may be highlighted in bold, italics or font of different size.
  • You may use special characters (`,°§, etc)
  • Text written in foreign script (Chinese characters, Arabic script, etc) should have indication of the font used.
  • All words in abstract and full paper titles (excluding articles, prepositions and conjunctions) should be written in capitals.
  • Use Equation Editor, version 3 for formulas according to rules accepted in literature (variables in italics, functions in ordinary font, etc.)

11. Papers for  Mathematics and Mechanics section, Management, Information and Computer Science section, Physics section may be submitted in TEXLive system format (2008).

12. The articles, prepared for the sections "Mathematics" and "Physics" can be prepared in the publishing system TEXLive,  version not lower than 2008, with the use of the style file (download the style file and instructions for the authors). The size of the article written in the TEXLive system must be no more than 5-6 pages. Information about the author and the abstract should be submitted in a separate WORD-document.

13. All units of measurement in  text and  charts are presented in Si-system according to Metrology. Units of Management standard.

14. Give references to formulas in parentheses to the right of the formula.

15. The figures are presented as separate files in JPG, TIFF, BMP, XLS, with the resolution of at least 300 dpi PNG,  or as a black-and-white or color prints suitable for scanning. Filenames are mentioned in the paper context. Figures should be signed by the author(s). All the symbols in the figures should be explained in captions or the main text. All lines and dots in the figures should be conspicuous and should not coalesce when reduced.

16. All tables should have titles.

17.  If you use acronyms (other than popular ones), please, give  the full form in the  main text or in the  footnote.

18. Photographs are submitted as separate documents suitable for scanning with paper title and the number of the photograph overleaf. The number of the photograph is indicated in the text  as  Fig.1, Fig.2., etc.

19. Literature references within the text as follows: [1, p.15; 2, p.45]. Bibliography  entries are listed in the order the quotes appear in the text (one point – one entry). The same source in the bibliography is indicated in the text once, for repeated references the number used in the first time is given in the square brackets. Follow the GOST P 7.0.5-2008 standard for Bibliography guide.

  • For an article: the author(s)’  last name(s), initials, title, full name of the periodical or its well-known acronym, year, volume number, issue number (date of issue for a newspaper);
  • For books, monographs, textbooks: the author(s)’ last name(s), initials, full title of the book, place of publication, date of publication;
  • For collections of research articles/conference proceedings books: the author(s)’ last name(s), initials, the title of the article/abstract, the title of the book/ place of publication, year of  publication.
  • No reference to an unpublished work.
  • If for the source quoted there is a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should be indicated at the end of the source after the full stop as follows:  DOI: prefix / suffix (for example: DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2014)1.1-01).

20. References should include, as a rule, at least 10 sources containing references to both the domestic and the foreign monographs and articles in the leading scientific journals, giving a complete picture of the current state of research in this area. The share of self-citation, references to the same author and the same magazine should not exceed 25%.

21. Author(s)’ editing is limited to correction of spelling mistakes. Authors should not make any other alterations to the text. The corrected variant of the paper  as well as the initial one should be sent to the publisher. After the corrector’s work is complete, content changes to the text are not allowed.

22.  For Altai State University faculty, staff , PhD. students  and post-doctoral researchers as well as PhD. students of other institutions  the cost of the publication is covered by the University. Other authors have to cover the cost of publication themselves. Noncash payment. The cost (VAT included) per page (A4, 1800 characters, spaces included) is 500 rubles. The text exceeding half of the page is considered  full page. After the decision about acceptance of the paper for publication the author is notified by a letter with the exact amount of payment and bank requisites. Payment covers publication of the paper and the author’ copy delivery.

23.The authors whose papers are accepted for publication are encouraged to subscribe to the journal in Rospechat’ agency.


Please  mail  2 copies ( printed  signed by the author(s)and soft) of a full paper according to the given guidelines and related documents ( recommendation, review, key words and summary)  to the following address:

Atiasova Natalia Yuryevna

Executive Editor

Izvestiya AltGU Journal Editorial Office

61 – 801 Lenina Prospect


656049, Russia

Tel.: (3852) 291-252

e-mail: izvestiya.asu@email.asu.ru

Any question referring the editorial policy may be addressed to the deputy chief editor:

Viktor Vladimirovich  Polyakov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science, Professor  - for questions on Physical and Mathematical Science (tel (3852) 36-70-59, pvv@asu.ru.);

Chernyshov Yury Georgievich, Doctor of History, Professor - for questions on Historical Sciences, Archaeology and Legal Sciences (tel (3852) 29-12-74, ashpi@hist.asu.ru).


Privacy Statement

Editors will treat all manuscripts submitted to Izvestiya of Altai State University in confidence. Reviewers are also required to treat manuscripts confidentially. Izvestiya of Altai State University will not share manuscripts with third parties outside of it except in cases of suspected misconduct.