Reflection of the Duck Cult in the Myth and Ritual of the Bashkirs

УДК 94:398.5(470.57) ББК 63.3(2Рос.Баш)+82.3(2Рос.Баш)

  • Azaliya F. Ilimbetova Order of the Badge of Honour Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the RAS, Ufa, Russia Email:
Keywords: duck, Bashkir's mythology, cult, rituals, traditional worldview


The article is devoted to the image of a duck, one of the key ornithomorphic symbols in the mythological and ritual tradition of the Bashkirs. In Bashkir folk art, a duck is depicted as a bird that speaks like a human, can transform into a person and lead a human lifestyle. In the epos "Ural-batyr" and "Akbuzat" there are an images of a duck-foremother and ancestor of the Bashkirs. In the fairy tale prose, beliefs and everyday traditions of the Bashkirs, the duck, as a divine being, appears in the role of the patroness and protector of people. In the tribal nomenclature of the Bashkirs there are tribal divisions "duck", which indicates the existence among the ancient Bashkirs of faith in the origin of certain groups of people from the mythical duck-progenitor. In the religious and mythological representations of the Bashkirs there are remnants of the duck taboo. In the arts and crafts of the Bashkirs, the image of a duck has protective functions. In the folklore and superstitions of the Bashkirs, there are remnants of ideas about the duck as the embodiment of the human soul, the spirit of the mountain and the lake, the owner of the house, livestock, treasure, wealth, living and dead water. In the epic "Ural-batyr", "Akbuzat" and cosmogonic legends, the connections of the mythical duck with solar-lunar cults are visible, it personifies the heavenly bodies — the sun and the moon. In them, the duck acts as a demiurge and a cultural hero, the creator of the earth.


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Author Biography

Azaliya F. Ilimbetova, Order of the Badge of Honour Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the RAS, Ufa, Russia

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Ethnology Department


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How to Cite
Ilimbetova A. F. Reflection of the Duck Cult in the Myth and Ritual of the Bashkirs // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2024, № 2(136). P. 41-47 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2024)2-06. URL:
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