Finds of Early Medieval Jewelry at the Archaeological Complex Blizhniye Elbany (Based on the Materials of M.P. Gryaznov's Excavations in the Upper Ob Region)

УДК 903.25-032.42 БКК 63.48(2Рос-4Алт)-417

  • X.E. Boyarintseva Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Upper Ob region, Blizhniye Elbany, early Middle Ages, jewelry, Odintsovo culture, Srostkin culture


This article is devoted to the analysis of the monographic work of M.P. Gryaznov and reflects the findings of early medieval jewelry made as part of the work of the North Altai Archaeological Expedition (19461947, 1949). Jewelry is the least studied group of items from the total inventory found during excavations at the monuments of the Blizhniye Elbany complex, due to the lack of specialized research on this topic. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the available materials and form a source base for studying the finds of the Odintsovo and Srostkin cultures. The jewelry presented by the species diversity are considered according to the place of wearing, attention is focused on the material of manufacture and the sex and age belonging of the buried people. Among the most common products are earrings, beads, pendants, buckles, plaques. Among the jewelry of the Odintsovo culture, there are hryvnias. The material of manufacture was non-ferrous metals, bone or horn. The analysis will allow us to continue working with museum collections, and will also serve as a basis for their more detailed study.


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Author Biography

X.E. Boyarintseva, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

аспирант Института истории и международных отношений


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How to Cite
Boyarintseva X. Finds of Early Medieval Jewelry at the Archaeological Complex Blizhniye Elbany (Based on the Materials of M.P. Gryaznov’s Excavations in the Upper Ob Region) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2023, № 2(130). P. 90-93 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2023)2-14. URL: