Problems of Mine Construction and Mechanization of Coal Mining in the Kemerovo Mine during the First Five-Year Plan

УДК 94(571.17).08+314 ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Кем)5+60.7

  • N.M. Morozov Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS (Kemerovo, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Kuzbass, coal industry, Kemerovo mine, mine construction, coal mining mechanization


The problems ofmine construction and mechanization of technological processes at the Kemerovo mine are considered - one of the main ways to increase the volume of coal production provided for by the plans of the the first five-year plan. During 1928-1932 it was planned to build six large mines there. There is an unsatisfactory provision of their construction in the required amount of financial and material resources, without preliminary accounting for the state of the soils, careful geological exploration of reserves. The facilities construction was carried out in a artisanal way without machines and mechanisms, without observing safety precautions. Based on the situation, production problems, including poor organization of labor, were not solved quickly enough in the current regime.

With an improvement in the level of mechanization of underground work and the commissioning of the mine "Pioneer" in the last year of the five-year period at the mine significantly (by 135%) the volume of coal production increased. The factor holding it back was still the problem of the lack of mechanization in many labor-intensive jobs, both on the surface and in underground mines, as well as the general unsatisfactory level of qualification of miners.


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Author Biography

N.M. Morozov, Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS (Kemerovo, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории истории Южной Сибири


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История индустриализации Западной Сибири (1926-1941 гг.) / глав. ред. А.С. Московский. Новосибирск, 1967.

ГАК (Государственный архив Кузбасса). Ф. П-15. Оп. 7. Д. 10.

Кузбасс. 1929. № 177. 7 авг.

ГАК. Ф. Р-18. Оп. 1. Д. 353.

ГАК. Ф. П-1337. Оп. 2. Д. 26.

Кузбасс. 1937. № 63. 6 апр.

ГАК. Ф. П-15. Оп. 6. Д. 74.

Кузбасс. 1928. № 170. 24 июля.

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ГАК. Ф. Р-6. Оп. 2. Д. 2.

How to Cite
Morozov N. Problems of Mine Construction and Mechanization of Coal Mining in the Kemerovo Mine during the First Five-Year Plan // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2023, № 2(130). P. 42-46 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2023)2-06. URL: