Image of Hugo Chavez Created by US Mass Media in Context of Venezuela 1998 Presidential Elections

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  • N.S. Pivovarova Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Hugo Chavez, Venezuela, presidential elections, image of a political leader, counter-image, US mass media


This paper investigates the features of the US mass media approaches in creating the image of Hugo Chavez on the eve of the Venezuela 1998 Presidential Elections. The paper studies the historical context, which influenced the creation of Chavez's image. The socio-economic and political development of Venezuela in those days is analyzed. The key traits of Chavez’s image highlighted during the period under study, as well as the emotional background of the publications, are analyzed. Although both the domestic and foreign historiography has paid a most sufficient attention to the history of Venezuela, the biography and political activity of Hugo Chavez, his image as a presidential candidate in the 1998 Venezuela elections remains unexplored. This work aims to fill this gap. The paper systematically examines the materials of the three major US newspapers, namely, the “New York Times”, the “Wall Street Journal”, and the “Los Angeles Times”, published from July to December, 1998. The established methodologies of document analysis and quantitative content analysis are applied. The study leads to the conclusion that the USA mass media created a negative image of Hugo Chavez during the pre-election period, implementing understatements and a negative emotional background in their publications.


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Author Biography

N.S. Pivovarova, Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Omsk, Russia)



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How to Cite
Pivovarova N. Image of Hugo Chavez Created by US Mass Media in Context of Venezuela 1998 Presidential Elections // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2021, № 3(119). P. 66-70 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)3-09. URL:
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