The Organization of Labor of Disabled People in the Kuznetsk District in the Second Half of the 1920-s-1930-s

УДК 94(571.17).084 ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Кем)61-2)

  • N.M. Morozov Federal Research Сenter of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS (Kemerovo, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Kuznetsk District, social security, sobes (social security), a disabled people’s artel, work of disabled people


The organization of labor activities of disabled people in the territory of the Kuznetsk District in the second half of the 1920s - 1930s is being considered in the article. The dynamics of the development of the system of disability cooperation is shown. The study examined working conditions, the pay system, its advantages compared to the receipt of a tiny pension. Opportunities to train persons with disabilities in professions within the technical training plant have been identified. The main types of production activities in which disabled artels specialized were established, these are: artisanal production of food, basic necessities, trade and household services. The conclusion is drawn that economic problems of artels arose in connection with weak financial support from social securities, supply with raw materials and materials by the residual principle, domination of manual work, formal work of local councils with chairmen of the artels allowing cases of mismanagement and abuse of official position. In general, the level of organization of work of persons with disabilities in the Kuznetsk District was in line with the State’s policy of pragmatising their productive potential during the period of intensive industrial construction in the region.


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Author Biography

N.M. Morozov, Federal Research Сenter of Coal and Coal Chemistry SB RAS (Kemerovo, Russia)

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How to Cite
Morozov N. The Organization of Labor of Disabled People in the Kuznetsk District in the Second Half of the 1920-s-1930-s // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2021, № 3(119). P. 24-28 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)3-03. URL:
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