Kulak Exile on the Territory of the Present-day Krasnoyarsk Territory in Early 1930: Planning and Scale

УДК 94(571.51).084.6 ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Крн)614-361

  • R.S. Esin Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia) Email: Silvarium@mail.ru
Keywords: peasant exile, kulaks, special settlers, repression, the Krasnoyarsk territory


The topic of Stalin's repressions is relevant both for professional historians and for modern Russian society. Despite the large number of publications on this topic, we believe it is important to continue the study of the problem of repression in the USSR in 1928-1953. In particular, it is necessary to continue studying the kulak exile in the USSR in the early 1930s, in which the movement and eviction of the dispossessed took place. In 1927, the Fifteenth Congress of the CPSU (b) decided to intensify the offensive against the well-to-do strata of the village. The fist was declared a "class enemy". As a result, hundreds of thousands of people were exiled to continue this policy, which had a significant impact on the national and ethnic composition of the population, as well as on the economy of the Soviet Union as a whole and its individual regions. The article deals with the planning and scale of the movement of exiled kulaks to the territory and inside the modern Krasnoyarsk territory in the early 1930s. Finally, it is concluded that as a result of the kulak exile in the districts located on the territory of the modern Krasnoyarsk territory, tens of thousands of people were displaced. Under the pressure of the peasant resistance, as well as in connection with the beginning of the rasputitsa (the seasonal off-road), the resettlement had to be suspended. As a result, the article defines the regional specifics of the scale of resettlement of the dispossessed in the study period in the areas located on the territory of the modern Krasnoyarsk territory.


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Author Biography

R.S. Esin, Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)



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How to Cite
Esin R. Kulak Exile on the Territory of the Present-day Krasnoyarsk Territory in Early 1930: Planning and Scale // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2021, № 2(118). P. 24-28 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2021)2-03. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282021%292-03.
Отечественная история