Car as a Marker of Identity: Historical Aspects

УДК 390 (=471.344) ББК 60.56; 63.4; 63.5

  • V.V. Medvedev Surgut State Pedagogical University (Surgut, Russia) Email:
Keywords: car, identity, marker, self-consciousness, ethnicity, religion, territory


This article is devoted to the study of new aspects of the demonstration of identity in the context of automotive culture and reflects the tendencies and the desire of car owners to focus on identity / identities, ethnic origin, religion, place of birth and residence. The article presents a car as an object viewed from the perspective of a semiotic approach and fulfilling a marking role. Based on the published domestic and foreign works, as well as the author’s observations, the car is characterized as a marker of identity / identities in the context of ethnicity, religion and territory. Specific examples contribute to the understanding of the possibilities of symbolic and symbolic marking to search for compatriots in urban space and car traffic, forms of attracting attention to the car and the driver personally, «calling» to other participants in the movement process.

The conducted study allows to draw conclusions that the visualization of the driver’s self-awareness on the vehicle body and the presence of marking objects in the cabin regularly demonstrate the identity / identity of the car owner. The need for self-identification with a broader community has always existed, because it gave a sense of confidence and stability. Identification with a certain region / city / rural settlement concretizes the connection not only with the territory, as place of birth or previous residence, but also a family, a wide range of relatives and friends, i.e. everything that a person values and what is really important. In a wider perception is identification with an ethnic group / people, selfdetermination of the individual as part of an ethnic community.


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Author Biography

V.V. Medvedev, Surgut State Pedagogical University (Surgut, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры социально-гуманитарного образования


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How to Cite
Medvedev V. Car as a Marker of Identity: Historical Aspects // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 6(110). P. 67-74 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)6-11. URL:
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