Restoration of the Tayginsky Railway Junction (1920-1921)

  • N.M. Morozov Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (Kemerovo, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Trans-Siberian Railway, Kuzbass, Taiga, railroad workers of Kuzbass, subbotniks


The problem of restoration of the Tayginsky railway junction in 1920-1921 serving all Kuzbass site of the Trans-Siberian Railway is considered. After the Civil war the railway economy appeared in dilapidated state. In the first months repair left some engines, in separate day Tomskaya Railroad did not send any structure, the movement of freights almost stopped. The main actions for restoration of railway economy of the junction, its locomotive park and the rolling stock are considered. During 1920 enthusiasm for work of transport workers was promoted by regular subbotniks (Saturday community work days), voskresniks (Sunday community work days), shock weeks, celebration in honor of best workers, compulsory return of earlier left experts, the favorable moral and political atmosphere among the most part of the workers feeding hope for communistic transformations and together with them on social equality and material welfare. In 1921 the heat of labor enthusiasm decreased. The restoration process of the junction was slowed down significantly by the difficulties connected with the end of the Civil war, famine, extreme wear of the locomotive park, staff deficit, materials and the equipment, cases of its wrecking, low level of labor and production discipline of workers.


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Author Biography

N.M. Morozov, Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (Kemerovo, Russia)

кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник Лаборатории истории Южной Сибири


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How to Cite
Morozov N. Restoration of the Tayginsky Railway Junction (1920-1921) // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2019, № 2(106). P. 33-36 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2019)2-05. URL:
Отечественная история