The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a Settlement Mechanism for the Boundary-territorial Issue between the Kyrgyz Republic and the PRC

  • J.O. Omurova Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) Email:
Keywords: Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia, the Shanghai five group, SCO, Central Asia, Europe, border, security, stability, cooperation


The article considers the main stages of border problems and Russian-China demarcation in Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan. After collapse of the USSR in 1991, as we know, the border between the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and the USSR was transformed in connection with formation of new independent states on post soviet stereogram.

China began to border not only with Russia, but with Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. It means the necessity of the solution the boundary problems with several states, which resulted from Russia-China and Soviet-China interstate relations. In this condition the first class task was the necessity to keep good relation and enhance regional rules of security and stability in the region. The main outcome of China intiative became the forum of five states. “The Shanghai Five” and then the full-scale international organization the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

For a long time (period during Russian Qinamol Soviet) agreement of border questions between these countries were not reacned. On the third stage of the Post-Soviet period (the end of 20th centuries and the beginning of 21st centuries) territorial problems were solved exclusively with peaceful diplomatic resources. Practical activitiesof SCO facilitated solving the issues related to the relationship between China and Kyrgyzstan and other state members of SCO.


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Author Biography

J.O. Omurova, Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

кандидат исторических наук, доцент кафедры регионоведения и кыргызоведения


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How to Cite
Omurova J. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a Settlement Mechanism for the Boundary-territorial Issue between the Kyrgyz Republic and the PRC // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2018, № 5(103). P. 124-127 DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2018)5-22. URL:
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