On Counteraction to Preliminary Investigation in Cases of Falsification of Evidence and (or) Results of Operational Investigative Activity

  • А.Ю. Сафронов Investigation Department of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Altai Region (Barnaul, Russia); Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email: Safronov.au@gmail.com
Keywords: crime, forensic science, falsification, evidence, criminal counteraction, methods of countermeasure overcoming


Considering the fact that the method of the crime concealment is one of the most important elements of the crime commission method and it is realized at all stages of falsification of evidence and (or) results of operational-investigative activity, the article examines principal countermeasures against preliminary investigation agencies in cases of the category concerned, as well as basic groups of overcoming methods. The conclusion of the scientists is underlined that countermeasures against the investigation of falsification of evidence and (or) results of operational-investigative activity differ from methods of its suppression in the fact that the latter are just directed at concealment of some aspects (parts) of the crime commission, and “countermeasures include not only the crime commission, but also the postcriminal behavior and conduct in the course of investigation. Besides, the method of the crime suppression is often changed to and sometimes becomes a method of countermeasures against the crime investigation and solution. Among other things, this article supports the thesis that the usage of methods considered helps to reach a detailed, objective and full-scale investigation of a criminal case despite any hindrances made by subjects of performed countermeasures against the preliminary investigation.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)3-23


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Author Biography

А.Ю. Сафронов, Investigation Department of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Altai Region (Barnaul, Russia); Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)
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How to Cite
Сафронов А. On Counteraction to Preliminary Investigation in Cases of Falsification of Evidence and (or) Results of Operational Investigative Activity // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3(95) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)3-23. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282017%293-23.