The Legal Doctrine of Russian Enlightenment of the 18 th Century

  • О.В. Баркалов Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: Russian Enlightenment, enlightened absolutism, separation of powers, monarchy, right, law, constitu- tionalism.


The article researches the history of Russian Enlightenment as a part of Russian political and legal thinking. The emphasis is made on the phenomenon of Russian Enlightenment and its difference from West European Enlightenment since the governance of Peter the Great up to the second part of the 18th century. The article analyzes the development of Russian statehood. Special attention is given to the governance of Katherine II, to her ideas of the government reorganization aimed at refusing from old ruling traditions of the government but followed the principle of enlightened absolutism. On the example of the works of Russian authors S.E. Desnitskiy and A.N. Radishev, the consideration is given to the concept of organization of state power in the Russian Empire which according to the thinkers was to have been based on the separation of powers. The idea of separation of powers is seen by the authors as the instrument to rationally organize the monarchy. The authors see the essence of the Enlightenment as a peaceful transformation of society. The authors see all spheres of people's lives from the legal point of view. Constitutionalism is emerging in the country.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)3-01


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Author Biography


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How to Cite
Баркалов О. The Legal Doctrine of Russian Enlightenment of the 18 th Century // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3(95) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)3-01. URL: