Numerical Study of Stress-Strain State in the Vicinity of Excavation

  • А.В. Устюжанова Altai State University Email:
  • Г.В. Кравченко Altai State University Email:
Keywords: excavation, stress-strain state, elastic-plastic material, stress concentration, finite element method


A stress-strain state in the vicinity of excavation of the circular cross-section is studied in the paper. Formulas derived from the elasticity theory can be applied to the homogeneous rock formations of sufficient strength. The problem of determination of the displacement and stress fields is considered in the rectangular region with the circular hole. A numerical solution algorithm based on the finite element method is elaborated. The algorithm of constructing of a finite element mesh allows to take into account the shape, size and hole location. Fields of the displacements and stress are determined. Results of numerical calculations for holes of different diameters are presented. The influence of a hole size on the stress distribution in the vicinity of holes is presented. Isolines of the maximal tangential stress are constructed. The maximal tangential stress distribution is used to estimate the possibility of brittle fracture in the test region. Numerical modeling based on the constructed algorithm allows one to investigate the stress-strain state in the vicinity of excavation and to predict the possible plastic behavior and development of a material failure.


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How to Cite
Устюжанова А., Кравченко Г. Numerical Study of Stress-Strain State in the Vicinity of Excavation // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 1(93) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)1-27. URL: