Analysis of Biophysical Characteristics Using the Results of Polygrammes Processing

  • Н.Н. Минакова Altai State University Email:
Keywords: biophysical characteristics, polygrammes, conductivity, signals, photoplethysmogram, multivariate data analysis, principal component analysis


In this paper, a toolkit for additional analysis of biophysical characteristics measured by a polygraph is proposed. The galvanic skin response, signals of the upper and lower breathing, photoplethysmogram and tremor are analyzed. The study of biophysical characteristics is conducted with numerical simulation experiments using polygrammes data. Practical evaluation of the proposed toolkit demonstrates its ability to retrieve the additional data and perform an analysis. Areas of a frequency mismatch are identified with the Fourier transformation applied to a photoplethys-mogram spectrum. Principal component analysis is utilized to identify the “stress/no stress” feature when there is no hyperreaction to external disturbance. It is confirmed that polygrammes data should be processed for each person individually due to consideration of psychological characteristics of that person. It is concluded that study of biophysical characteristics retrieved from polygrammes with primary component analysis is helpful for human stress resistance express analysis and allows to reveal potential failures of body physicochemical processes.


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How to Cite
Минакова Н. Analysis of Biophysical Characteristics Using the Results of Polygrammes Processing // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 1(93) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)1-05. URL: