Conceptual Aspects of Legal Education

  • К.А. Синкин Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: legal education, analytical jurisprudence, philosophy of law, spiritual and moral foundation of law


The article reveals the issues of the most important methodological principles implemented within the framework of legal education. At present, the emphasis in the training of the future lawyers is made on the forming of skills and abilities; understanding of the law becomes utilitarian in nature and is perceived as a “mechanical” means to regulate social relations. This approach ignores the true nature of law. Law- enforcer concentrates on the literal compliance with prescriptions of law, which as a result causes the deformation of public relations. The legal form itself possesses no spirit, no reliance on the national sense of justice and distinctive legal culture. In spite of the declared primacy of human rights and freedoms, the reality demonstrates that a human as a natural being, whose rights are based on the natural and judicious norms of equality and freedom, falls into the background. Currently a human is more and more alienated from the law, and sometimes is opposed to it. The article presents a brief review of the conceptual aspects of legal education, which allows, in the author’s opinion, identifying the ways to resolve issues of future lawyers’ training.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-29


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How to Cite
Синкин К. Conceptual Aspects of Legal Education // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3(91) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-29. URL: