The Role and Importance of Responsibility in the Formation of the Procedural Conduct of the Victim in the Performance of Criminal Procedural Obligations

  • Е.Н. Петухов Altai State University Email:
Keywords: criminal proceedings, the victim in the criminal case, the criminal procedural duties, criminal liability, criminal procedure measures of responsibility


The article considers the problem of formation of the proper behavior of the victims in the criminal case in the performance of the criminal procedural obligations imposed on them The author substantiates the determining influence of responsibility on the formation of the victims’ behavior in the performance of their duties of criminal procedure and provides a list of measures of responsibility and demonstrates their influence on the performance by the victims of their criminal procedure duties. The article reveals the essence of the negative and positive responsibility in the criminal proceedings as an integral part of the legal status of the victim in the criminal case. The author comes up with his own position regarding the need to apply to the victim the measures of negative and positive responsibility for improper performance of his duties of criminal procedure and other legal requirements from the part of the preliminary investigation and court action. The author states the possibility to expand the list of measures of negative criminal procedural responsibility by taking the measure out of Federal Legislation of Criminal Procedure. DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-24



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How to Cite
Петухов Е. The Role and Importance of Responsibility in the Formation of the Procedural Conduct of the Victim in the Performance of Criminal Procedural Obligations // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 3(91) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2016)3-24. URL: