Levant Trading Posts in the Context of Ionian-Barbarian Relations in the Middle East

  • В.С. Кондратьев The Branch of Tyumen State University in Tobolsk (Tobolsk, Russia) Email: kvritter89@mail.ru
Keywords: Ionia, Middle East, trading station, Al-Mina, Tel-Sukas


The article considers the features of contacts of the Ionians in the Middle East in the context of the Ionic colonization of Levant. The author of the article comes to a conclusion that the Greeks founded colonies on the territory which belonged to east state institutions. Due to this feature, it is reasonable to speak not about classical colonies, and about “a phenomenon of open port” — the special status of some East Mediterranean centers when different ethnic groups got the opportunity to visit them and trade there. Trading stations intended for maintenance of favorable conditions for the east Greek exchange. Due to this situation the Greeks more often settled in the operating ports. The Ionians acquired certain “right to settle” from the local authorities that gave the chance to live within the city and conduct trade operations. Among settlements, the special place was taken by Al- Minh, Tel- Sukas founded in the 8th century BC. Tese settlements resulted in the revival of commercial relations in the region. The article specifies the specialization of the trading stations in the transit trade with the countries of the Middle East which had a certain impact on a cultural exchange between the people: architecture, alphabet, and religious syncretism.

DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2016)2-14


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Author Biography

В.С. Кондратьев, The Branch of Tyumen State University in Tobolsk (Tobolsk, Russia)


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How to Cite
Кондратьев В. Levant Trading Posts in the Context of Ionian-Barbarian Relations in the Middle East // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 2(90) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2016)2-14. URL: http://izvestiya.asu.ru/article/view/%282016%292-14.