Influence of Lead Alloy Structure on Acoustic Emission During Plastic Deformation and Fracture

  • Д.С. Салита Altai State University Email:
  • В.В. Поляков Altai State University; Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the RAS Email:
Keywords: acoustic emission, diagnostic materials, structure, fracture, plastic deformation, lead alloys


A study of acoustic emission during static stretching of lead alloy samples is presented. Test samples with various dendritic structures characterized by different sizes of the crystallites have been prepared. The values of RMS acoustic emission voltage during the process of plastic deformation and fracture are measured. Peak values occurred during the changing of strain hardening stages are discovered and analyzed. A significant influence of a sample structure on acoustic emission parameters manifests in changes of forms of acoustic emission curves for a set of samples with coarse-grained to finegrained structures. Revealed differences may be associated with the change of plastic deformation dominant mechanisms and their contribution due to changes of dendritic structure crystallites sizes. The obtained results can be further utilized in a study of plastic deformation and failure processes evolutions in the lead-based alloys. They also provide a scientific background for application of acoustic emission technique for investigating of lead alloys structure.


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How to Cite
Салита Д., Поляков В. Influence of Lead Alloy Structure on Acoustic Emission During Plastic Deformation and Fracture // Izvestiya of Altai State University, 1, № 1(93) DOI: 10.14258/izvasu(2017)1-09. URL: